- Ability to define more than one shift
- Dealing with Departing (morning & evening) and Formal Departing easily
- Calculating late and absence automatically
- Ability to modify Overtime and Late and Vacations manually
- Ability to determine employees who subordinate to Overtime and Late through the program
- Ability to undo any saved data e.g. (overtime , vacations , late … )
- Dividing shifts into :
1. Normal shift
2. Daily Shift
3. Weakly Shift
- Duration of overtime will appear on screen before you save
- Ability to change employee’s shift through time attendance or payroll system
- Automation connection between Time Attendance and Payroll System
- It’s Contain more and more Reports that :
1. Explain all transaction for each employee between dates e.g. (late, overtime, vacation …)
2. Analyze Work hour for each employee
3. Vacation’s Report
4. Late and absence Report
5. Overtime Report (Normal days or Holidays)
6. there are many Reports which explain net work hours for employees and departments